This podcast revolves around one core idea: our experience comes from within us, not from external circumstances. Today, I want to explore this from another angle. The more we understand this truth, the more life-changing insights we will have. For example, in business, we talk about company culture, or as athletes, we might think about the pressure of a competition. We often believe that these external factors come with inherent feelings. But a game, a company, or the world itself doesn’t come with feelings attached. What we experience is always our own thoughts and the level of consciousness we have at that moment. Sometimes, our thoughts feel heavy and unmanageable, while other times, the same thoughts don’t affect us as much. This is because our feelings are not dictated by external events but by our internal state. Understanding this brings freedom. Knowing that our feelings will change as our thoughts and consciousness evolve means we don't have to take them too seriously. We are not stuck. We often seek freedom, the natural flow of knowing that every experience is temporary and everything is possible. When we believe our feelings come from external sources, we feel trapped. But recognizing that our feelings are created by our own thoughts opens up endless possibilities. This realization allows us to embrace the constant flow of changing thoughts and rising consciousness, granting us true freedom.
S01E18 - The world doesn't come with a feeling | Inevitably Great
The freedom we seek
May 30, 2024

Inevitably Great
What if one insight could make performing at your best inevitable, every single time?
The difference between thriving and struggling is in the reality you see in the moment.
Not your character, not your mental strength, not luck, not your experience, not your story, not your personality. Only whatever happens to look real to you there and then.
This is why one insight can change your life forever, by changing your relationship with that reality.
Good news: you're an insight machine. You only need to know where to look.
What if one insight could make performing at your best inevitable, every single time?
The difference between thriving and struggling is in the reality you see in the moment.
Not your character, not your mental strength, not luck, not your experience, not your story, not your personality. Only whatever happens to look real to you there and then.
This is why one insight can change your life forever, by changing your relationship with that reality.
Good news: you're an insight machine. You only need to know where to look.Listen on
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