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Welcome to NoWay by the Easier Project. This is a very special place you just landed on, and this page is here to give you all you need to know to make the most of it.

NoWay is an ever-evolving space full of resources and pointers to help you see at a deeper level who you really are and how you work at your best. Articles, podcasts, videos, poems, stories, live calls…it’s all there for you to find what you didn’t know you’ve been looking for.

NoWay is a space you can get lost in, in order to find yourself.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, fist things first:

1. The welcome audio

Please take 5 minutes to listen to this message I recorded, it contains everything from the core of my work, what’s on offer with NoWay and how to make the most of it.


A recap:

00:30 The core of the Easier Project’s work
  • It turns out that we’re way more wonderful than we think. As humans we are capable of incredible things. We’re literally made for miracles. This is not a catchphrase, but the truth. What if it was really like this?

  • At the Easier Project we work with high-impact people (from professional football players, to managers, CEOs, foudners, artists and institutions) and point them in the direction of how they really work.

  • During the course of our work together, as they realize with their own eyes how to unlock the best in them, thriving becomes inevitable and effortless.

01:38 What’s on offer at No Way
  • In a sense, No Way is a little instruction manual for human beings.

  • Every single resource here points towards a deeper understanding of how we work, which in turns makes complicated things become simple, impossible things become real, and going after what you truly want become the natural consequence of being yourself.

02:20 A different premise
  • This is why NoWay is not about giving you tips and tricks “to get better at life”, we are here to help you develop a deeper understanding of how you work. And when we understand something better, our behavior naturally change and our performance inevitably improves.

03:25 Where to start
  • Right here. Listen to the audio first. Then check the About page. Watch my TED talk. And ultimately read the 5 articles we selected here below.

  • A disclaimer: don’t read and watch these things to “figure out this No Way thing”, do so to be impacted. Because I promise you that, if you’re open to it, even just the material you’ll find in this page, can shift your perspective of what’s possible for you.

04:25 A premium platform
  • No Way has no free plan. You have to choose to be here. That’s why everything is reserved to paid members.

  • Why? Because in our experience there is a world of difference between signing up to “yet another newsletter”, and choosing to dive into something that can open a new world up for you. And that difference is your commitment. If you think there’s value here, then make the choice to be here and sign up.

  • It’s not about the money: if for whatever reason you can’t currently pay the membership fee, simply send me an email and we’ll grant you a free scholarship, no questions asked. The power is in the act of choosing to be here by making the scholarship request.

2. The About Page and the TED Talk

If you’ve listened to the audio, head to the About page: it’s a short read that will give you more context about my background, The Easier Project, and No Way itself (for example…why is it even called No Way??)

Read About Page

Then, have a look the Nico’s recent TED Talk in Cowes, UK, called “Could life be Easier?”. The main character in this talk is the insight, which is the building block of our world and the key to a life of inspiration and freedom, lived in real time.

Watch Nico's TED Talk

3. Five articles to get started

We selected 5 articles out of the 100+ available in our archives and made them public so that you can get a clearer sense of the principles behind our work.

If you choose to read them, please read them with you in mind. As mentioned earlier, don’t read to understand No Way, but read them to see something new for yourself.

Check the Seasons’ guide for a complete list of all our published articles.

Join the party…

At this point, if you haven’t already, all that’s left is to join as a premium member.

As mentioned, it’s not about the money, but about the choice. That’s why we’re currently setting the fee at the lowest level allowed by Substack: €5/month, or €30/year.

Once you sign up you get:

  • Full access to every resource: written, audio or video. This includes all seasons of our podcast, videocasts and the 5 “books” - a.k.a. the 5 finished seasons we published over the course of the past 3 years.

  • Every new article or episode directly to your inbox as soon as they are ready fresh from the oven.

  • VIP tickets to all our special events, group calls and opportunities we host for the members of No Way.

  • Coaching support via email directly by Nico

  • And, if you sign up as a “founding member”, a 1-to-1 coaching call via Zoom with Nico

…or ask for a scholarship!

As mentioned, we don’t want money to ever be the barrier for people to access this transformative conversation. If for whatever reason you cannot currently afford the subscription to No Way you can still choose to be here, by sending us an email and requesting a scholarship. We will grant it, no questions asked.

Request a scholarship